

“We walk around in the marsh. Longing beings of flesh, blood and nerves. We gather around the fire, read the future and the universe’s origins in the flames as we grill an aubergine. We are waiting for the sleepyheads to wake up and save the world while we dance in front of the mirror. We embrace the chaos and importance of rest.”

Nikulpmyrene looks at the body as a source of entertainment and of valuable information. Nikulpmyrene is a tribute to resting and giving each other some slack. Nikulpmyrene is a mythology, a state and a form of fellowship. The audience is invited to a party with bonfire and the scene becomes a fantasy fire pit to cook together our own and each other’s nervous systems.

For the first time, the performance artists Ida Wigdel, Lisa Lie, Kristin Ryg Helgebostad and Ingeleiv Berstad come together to explore the landscape between performance, dance and theatre. 


Nikulpmyrene had it’s premiere at Black Box Theatre (NO) 2019 and performed in Rosendal Teater in Trondheim 2020 and BIT in Bergen 2020.

Length of the piece varies with the engagement. The Nikulpmire lasts as long as you want, and most likely for about two hours. Feel free to stay longer if you want.


By and with: Ida Wigdel, Kristin Ryg Helgebostad, Ingeleiv Berstad, Lisa Lie
Scenography, lighting, performer: Chrisander Brun
Composer, sound, performer: Rakel Nystabakk
Producer: Michelle Helmersen Flagstad
Photo: Simen Dieserud Thornquist
Support by: Norsk Kulturråd, FFUK, DansiT, Rosendal Teater (Trondheim), BIT Teatergarasjen (Bergen)


Steelo & Th’Future


Soil girl